2018 Dekalb Soybean Trial – Block 2

Sierens Seed Service

Plot Width 40′ x 594′ = .54545 ac.

Harvest Date 22 Oct, 2018

*Yield results adjusted to 13.5% moisture.

# Seed Brand Hybrid Seed Treatment Mois.(%) Yield
Yield Rank
8 Syngenta S006W5 CruiserMax 11.5 45.1 7 [Check]
9 Dekalb DKB0009-89
Acceleron 11 45.1 6
10 Dekalb 22-60RY Acceleron 11.5 49.4 4
11 Dekalb 23-60RY Acceleron 10.9 52.1 3
12 Dekalb DKB003-29
Acceleron 12.2 48.4 5
13 Dekalb DKB005-52
Acceleron 12.1 52.5 2
14 Syngenta S0009-M2 CruiserMax 11.2 54.6 1

A special thank you to Albert and George Devloo for their cooperation.

Field Notes: This trial experienced some hail damage just prior to flowering the hail had damaged stems and leaves that delayed maturity and also left opportunity for a flush of weeds so a third pass of roundup was applied, that turned out to be a great decision as field recovered over time and weed control was excellent. Once again 2018 fell short of rainfall later in the season for soybeans. S006W5 was used as a check that yielded fairly similar across the trial that tells us the varieties were well represented with the exception of a small corner on the north east that may have affected block 4

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